Tuesday, February 21, 2006

(Free) EP of the Day: Status Green

Status Green isn't going to reinvent the wheel, or leave you breathless with superlatives. They're a veteran Jersey bar band whose claim to fame at the moment is having opened for Bon Jovi a few weeks ago in Connecticut.

But they can sure rock. And they've recorded four tunes that deliver the goods, and all four of them are available for free at their site. The real standout is "You Were Looking", five minutes of meat-and-potatoes yet catchy and melodic rock. There's kind of a retro garage purity at work here that lots of younger wannabe White Stripers would kill for.

Here are the mp3s (unfortunately, the "You Were Looking" mp3 is of lower quality):

It Ain't Me
What You're Wasting
The Outside
You Were Looking

They also have a myspace page where you can stream these four tracks. There doesn't appear to be an actual disc for sale at their site or elsewhere, but according to the myspace page they're going to release a full-length in April, including these four tracks. I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for that one.

Meanwhile, if you're in the Northeast US (and I've noticed that quite a few of you are), you could do worse than check these guys out when they come to town. Personally, I'll take 'em over Bon Jovi any day of the week.


  1. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Hey Steve, thanks for the write-up. I like the meat and potato's line. People can visit our site for the record release info. Catch ya on the splish splash

  2. Anonymous6:39 PM

    You can get the CD at the Status Green website
