Thursday, March 08, 2007

New Monkeeman on eMusic.

The outstanding Monkeeman disc from last year, which placed #19 on our Best of 2006, is now available via eMusic in its re-release form. When it was independently released last year, it was self-titled, but he signed with El Muto Records, and they've put it out as Jumping On The Monkey Train. Whatever you call it, it's a great listen, so get on over and use those downloads.


  1. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I don't subscribe to eMusic because I'm an old school collector. I insist on physical product, and the packaging is an integral part of the product.

    However, in the case of Monkeeman, I would encourage your readers to buy the dowloads, because the packaging is disgraceful -- it's a simple cardboard sleeve with nothing but the band name, song titles and lengths.

  2. That was certainly true of the independent release last year, although it's possible the re-release through a label has more to offer in the way of packaging. I'm not going to buy it again to find out, though.
