Yes, hard as it to believe, this blog celebrates its first birthday today. It's been a fun year, and I'm glad to have had the opportunity to get the word out on hundreds of great power pop and related discs.
The early days of the blog seem like eons ago, back when it seemed every third post was about Supraluxe, and "CD of the Day" actually meant a new CD every day, instead of every 2-4 days (hey, I had a backlog then). Anyway, thanks to everyone out there who's been reading, and I hope you all have been able to expand your power pop collection as a result.
Happy Birthday- I'm in the UK and have discovered loads of great new artists through your efforts who I would never have come across otherwise. Here's to many more birthdays!
Happy Bday... This site is a wonderful source of some great music that would otherwise go unnoticed. Thanks!!!
Thanks for turning me on to so many great bands. My emusic sub has really paid off. Happy birthday absolutepowerpop!
Happy Year One...as a Canadian having moved to New Zealand, your site is a great resource for keeping up-to-date on the latest powerpop releases...first internet site I check each day before going to eMusic to fill my monthly quota....many thanks for a great site...
Happy BDay! Here's to many more.
Thanks for being so spot on with your reviews. The 33 1/3 list kept me loggin on throughout 06. So much great music and some real classics. Cheers from the UK
happy bday. i check out your site almost daily to find out about artists I'd otherwise miss. great job. and thanks.
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