Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Fastball on the way (with free mp3)

As Professor Farnsworth would say: Good news, everyone!

Fastball is back with their first release in nearly five years, Little White Lies. And I'm happy to offer up the title track as a free download:

Little White Lies mp3

Pretty good tune - has a "The Way" way about it. The full album hits the street on April 17, timed nicely with the beginning of baseball season. Fastball, baseball, get it?


  1. Anonymous10:24 AM

    this is realy good news!

  2. Anonymous6:20 AM

    it'd be better news if the link worked! I checked the band's web site, and it's not there. Could you try to post it again?

  3. The mp3 link works fine - you might want to try it again.

  4. Anonymous10:17 PM

    the mp3 link works for me!
