Friday, November 08, 2013
It's IPO Time Again!
One of my favorite annual power pop traditions is the release of the new International Pop Overthrow compilation. This year sees compilation #16 from David Bash, the man behind the festivals and the discs. As always, the IPO compilation works on two levels - one as a sampler of some of today's best independent power pop artists, and the other as a chance to sample new artists in the scene. The former is represented by tracks (new and old) from the likes of Lannie Flowers, Dave Rave, Jeremy, Adam Daniel, The JAC, Didn't Planet, Lisa Mychols, Laurie Biagini, Stephen Lawrenson and Private Jets.
Among the new artists, the tracks that caught my ear (and will lead me to investigate these artists further) are Mothboxer, whose "Shame it Always Rains" leads off the compilation and boasts a groovy, psych-pop sound that recalls The Green Pajamas; the straight-ahead power pop of the Cronin Tierney Band's "Harmony", Hawk Bjorn's piano-popping "Who Do You Say I Am"; Cool Whips' "Boom Shang-a-Lang" which you might guess is goofy fun; the edgy, mod sound of Norrish Reaction's "Let it Go"; the fine garage rock of Gooey's "Watch Out"; the Ray Davies-esque "Mrs. Reginald" courtesy of John McMullan; and the jangly pop of Salvadore Dali Llama's (love the name) "City in the Sky".
Head on over to the official IPO site to hear a nice sampler of tracks from the compilation - maybe some of those will strike your fancy. The IPO comp always make a great holiday gift for the power popper on your list, or of course a fine gift from you to yourself.
Kool Kat | Amazon
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